Saturday, July 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Little One!

Well, today my baby girl turned I suppose I can't really call her my baby anymore! :( It's been an amazing time--she has been an absolute joy from day one, but I am getting the idea that we have entered the full-fledged TERRIBLE TWOS now, so I'm definitely scared!

To honor the little birthday girl, I thought I would share some pics from the last two years. The first several are very much snapshots, because at the time--although I have always had an interest in photography--I hadn't actually studied it, nor did I have anything other than a 4 megapixel point-and-shoot! So, I guess it should be interesting for you all to see where I used to be in my photography journey, two years ago. :) (Hopefully the improvements will be obvious!!) Snapshots or not, these photos will always be favorites of mine, because they are all I have of those important moments in my daughter's life.

Here she is in the hospital, newly born! (I didn't take this one--credit belongs to her daddy)

I had her newborn pictures done at *gasp* JCPenney, but they didn't really document her I spent hours at home with that horrible point-and-shoot, trying to capture the sweet little details...and failed miserably, which is one of the reasons I think newborn sessions with a custom photographer are SO important!! (I should add that I love photographing newborns and am now quite good at it, if I do say so myself!) :)

Here she is at 3 months old! (our old P&S conked out so this was taken with the new one--which has since been replaced too)

And at 6 months old, right after hubby bought me a D40 as a Valentine gift! A turning point for me--I could FINALLY learn how to really capture my beautiful little girl...well, once I learned how to use the thing (which I obviously hadn't yet when this was taken!)

I spent a good deal of time right on her 6-month birthday trying to capture her personality, and even though these aren't technically great, I think I did just that:

Awww, what a sweetie

9 Months!

...and the big 1-year pics!

15 Months

18 Months

...and a couple I took this morning, at 2 years old!


Anonymous said...

rachel, she is a perfect angel. you know, she has such a distinctive "look" that the first newborn picture looks exactly like her. SO cute! and i wish you would post one of yourself. i always imagine that she looks a lot like you.

Anonymous said...

The cutest girl ever!!!!! I like those 2 year pics, hope the weather cooperated for you yesterday

Anonymous said...

If you'll notice, the lawn is mowed. I did that.


ML Photography said...

Wonderful...look how far you have come with your photography :)