Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back-To-School Bash Pics

Sorry for the delay!

The Bash was on the courthouse lawn, so we set up our lawn chairs so we could sit and listen to the music and eat our pizza.

My nephew decided he wanted to sit with us--he looks like he's asking my daughter why she's so anxious!

The people behind us had a puppy, so the girls were so excited! This puppy is the reason for the disappearance of my oldest daughter later.

The band, Fallen Chains! I couldn't resist trying a vintage conversion on this. (sorry for the cluttery picture, but it was a really "cluttery" location!)

My friends stuck a label on their baby's head. ??

Look at those big brown eyes!

The sound system...and sunflare!

Mmm, pizza!

Prizes were thrown to the kids at certain intervals, and my girls were getting right up there with the big kids...they came back with one of each prize, so I'm thinking someone must have had mercy on them and just gave it to them off to the side. :)

My older daughter was having so much fun playing catch with one of the balls they were giving away

The pizza know, it's really too bad I broke my lens halfway through, because I was having all kinds of fun with the backlight, orangey sunset glow and sunflare!

My dad (center guitar) got to join the band on stage at one point

More backlight...

All the younger kids up front for some action songs, led by our Sunday School Dept. (this is my fav backlight/sunflare pic from the whole night!)

Aww, look at them trying to do the actions!

More prizes!

...and the last shot taken before my lens froze up and ceased all functioning! :(

Broken lens or not, we had a really good time; looking forward to next year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dont you know babies are cuter with post it notes on their heads? Duh, use that in your next shoot tehe
cutie baby! er I mean pics