Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Joy of a Warm Day

During February we had an unexpectedly warm day, during which most of the remaining snow melted and turned our long sidewalk into a lake. Not one to let such an opportunity slip by, I put the girls in their rain gear and sent them out to get wet. :) They had so much fun! They went through five pairs of play pants between the two of them--they would get cold, I'd bring them in and put dry ones on them and send them back out. My younger daughter could have run up and down that sidewalk all day, so she went back out several times. My older one is having a little trouble letting go of winter; hence the big, thick mittens! LOL

They were using their play shovels to push the water along in front of them

Apparently tired of getting wet, my oldest retreated to the swingset (the remains of their last snowfort melting around it), and I was able to get her attention and capture this gem:

Fun with photographing water...this one focuses on her reflection in the water...

...and this one on the splashing!

1 comment:

Lincoln said...

Nice jobbie job, this series of pics