Thursday, October 9, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

Yes, I realize I'm sadly behind in updating AND in processing, tonight I have some photos from Labor Day, which we spent visiting my grandpa out of state. They own a pond, so the guys got to spend the day fishing, and our girls had their first ride in a boat! We spent most of the day there, so I took the camera out here and there for some pics throughout the day.

This was the first time I really got to play with my new lens, so I spent a good deal of time chasing dragonflies around and photographing inanimate objects

Thought the porch chair cover would look neat as a background, so I plunked the nearest child onto it. Unfortunately she didn't want to look at the camera, so I kept asking, "Where's Mommy?" to get her to look. Wouldn't you know, she pointed! LOL oh well.

Grandpa pushing his great-grand-kiddos on the porch swing

Sisters, looking out at the pond...longingly, because they so wanted to go out in the boat but Mommy said this was all the closer they could get for now. Bummer.

Waiting for Daddy and Uncle Nate to hurry up and come back so they can go on the boat too

At last! Putting on life jackets...

Is this not the cutest little squish-cheeked thing you ever saw? LOL

Big girls get to sit on the end of the boat...and wow, she did so well sitting still! Fortunately the pond wasn't very deep, so it wasn't too scary.

(see the little hand on Daddy's back?)

Baby Drew playing by himself on the boat ride for him yet!

Look what I found on the dock? I'm not a big spider fan, but that won't keep me from photographing them!

...and a lovely, serene photo taken moments before Uncle Nate almost fell into the water, nearly taking everyone down with him. Perhaps he should be the one in a life jacket? :)

After the boat ride the kids played with the riding toys that belonged to my second cousins when they were that age. I tried to get a pic of my oldest one on another of the toys, but not only would she not pause, but she sped up and tried to run me over!! So, I have this lovely blur of her tearing past as I jump out of the way. I hope that is not a sign of how she will drive when she turns 16.

This one was a little more cooperative.

At last they caught something besides snags!

Once again the kids are limited to the top of the hill, as the guys clean the fish on the dock.

We had a nice time seeing everyone and were glad for the rare chance to visit!

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