Saturday, June 14, 2008

Making the Most of Things

I do have updated flood pics, but will probably not get to them until later tonight or tomorrow. In the meantime, I have some non-flood pics I took Thursday night. Around 4PM our power went out. Our town has a generator, but we never know when they will turn it on, so it was a matter of sitting it out until they did. Since we no longer had A/C it was getting rather stuffy in the house, and with the heavily overcast skies we couldn't see a thing, so after eating a quick dinner by flashlight we spent the entire evening outside. Turns out the overcast evening light was gorgeous, and since the girls could not play on the swingset (slide and ladder were too wet) they were bored and wanted their pictures taken! :) So, not one to waste good light or cooperative children, I grabbed the camera.

If looks could kill! Not sure what I did to earn this one...

My little one tried to play "peek-a-boo" over the railing too, but she's too short. :)

Fortunately we were only without power for 3 1/2 hours. Gotta love our town!

The good news is the river crested today and started going down; the bad news is it's raining and we're under severe storm warnings, so we'll see what happens tonight.

I will work on today's flood pictures after I take my kids out to buy their daddy's Father's Day the local Wal-Mart, since we can't get out of town to shop (everywhere we normally shop is flooded anyway!).

1 comment:

Jay said...

the railing picture are so cute .. I love the 5th picture the picture . I love taking picture but dont have anything fancy just ditgal carama