Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My "Excuse"

I have not been updating my blog as much the last couple of months, and though a lot of you probably already know, I figured I'd explain the reason for my semi-disappearance to the rest of you in case you are wondering (I will explain why my older daughter looks so serious in a minute):

That's right...we are expecting a new baby in May! We're very excited, the girls are thrilled, and we bought them these "big sister" shirts to announce the news. :) So, needless to say, after a few months of not feeling well I've been trying to take it easy lately, and have a lot of work cut out for me over the next several months! I am still taking clients, but will be a bit more selective about what I'm able to do. I plan to go on maternity leave in April, so all sessions will need to be finished up/ordered by the middle of April to guarantee prints are delivered before the baby is born. After that, I'm taking three months to focus my attention--and my camera lens! hehe--on the new bambino! (And my girls, of course!) I'll be sure to update and keep everyone posted as the date gets closer!

Now, to explain the serious look on my older daughter. She is very excited about the baby, but I asked her not to smile for the picture. Why? Well, because for some reason every time I went to take the shot, she would "smile" like this:

After several frames of goofy expressions I finally just told her, "Don't smile for this one." LOL Anyway, to show that she CAN be photogenic when she wants to be, here is a snap I took of her afterwards, lounging on the floor of her room:


Anonymous said...

Yay for babies! You know i realized your maternity leave is going to interrupt Rykers 18 month pics *sigh*

Jay said...

how excited .. happy hoildays