Monday, May 4, 2009

Finally Four!

At long last, my oldest daughter has finally turned four! She has been looking forward to this for a long time, and loves to remind us of her status as a now-four-year-old. I was a little worried about her photo session, since you all may have noticed she has acquired a bit of stage fright with the camera. It's been difficult to get her to relax and look natural, so I've been really trying to find the best way to work with her on this and I'm thrilled with the results!

First we had to find time between our busy schedules and the rainy weather, so it took us a few days with little slots of available time to do these...the first day was very windy--she toughed it out, but it was a rough half-hour for both of us. As soon as we had some nicer weather we took advantage of the opportunity and we REALLY had fun that day--she got into it and I love the shots I got of her! Since that day went so well, the last time we went out she pretty much took charge and I loved that she wanted to do that--she chose the location and I pretty much let her do her own thing as far as posing. So fun!

I've never used this conversion before, but I loved it for this photo, which is one of my favorites!

Another big favorite of mine!

...and again in black and white just because I love it :)

And this one is all her:


Lincoln said...

Nice job, babe.

Kristin said...

The man above is being awfully forward! LOL
anyway i love her pics, they turned out super great. I love how you used the staircase downtown! totally cool!!!