Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ah, to be a Kid

These are just a few snapshots taken recently on one of those rare sunny/tolerably warm days. My kids usually play outside together, but this was a day my oldest was at preschool, which meant I had to fill in and keep my younger one company while she played outside. Since she was hogging all the sand in the sand tray (no, really, I tried to join her and got yelled at for messing up one of her piles that I didn't realize was there on purpose, LOL), I decided to entertain myself by playing with the camera while I sat out there watching her. Good thing she loves to ham it up for the camera!

(Looks like in this one she is waving her shovel at me and accusing me of being a sand-pile-ruiner, hehe)

Fashion queen at the park, where we went after we got tired of hanging out in the yard

Nothing like being carefree!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, she looks so grown up in some of those pics!