Friday, August 29, 2008

Trains, Towers and Rivers

For D's senior session we went to an entirely new location. At first we were a bit lost, particularly after realizing the park we wanted to use had been ruined by the flood, but once we got our bearings we found all sorts of great spots for pictures! I ended up with a lot of favorites from this session, but here are just a few:

The river and bridge were just gorgeous!

We found a little park with all kinds of interesting cement structures. Unfortunately we really struggled with the lighting here.

We had way too much fun with this location...the tower was reminiscent of fairy tales, so D. couldn't resist climbing it. I couldn't resist processing this shot (and texturizing it) just for kicks:

He spotted this train mural before I had even arrived, and the lighting there was perfect! I had to stand in the middle of the street to get this shot, but fortunately no one ran me over ;)

On the way home we stopped at the home of a family who said we could "borrow" their truck. I've been on the look-out for rusty/old pick-ups, so I was excited to try it out! The sun was directly overhead by this time, so we were only able to get a couple of shots in when it briefly went behind a cloud.

...and with some grunge processing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE how his senior pics turned out!!