Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Determined Toddler

My younger daughter is known for being quite silly at times, though we are fairly certain this trait did not come from MY side of the family! :)

Recently my husband brought home some lovely file boxes that he found on clearance (yes, at Staples!), and they have been temporarily residing by my desk until I have time to do some cleaning (haha). My 20-month-old happily discovered them one night, and decided that the box should be her new bed. Since I had the camera close by, I started snapping away.

I hope you all find these as entertaining as I did!

Yay! A box!

MY box!

See Mommy? I'm sitting in the box!

I want to take a nap in this box, okay Mommy?


Well, that didn't quite work out...perhaps if I had a blanket?
"Mommy, I need blanket!"

Still not quite as cozy as I would like. What's missing?

...oh, I know! I need a book, too! There, now I have my blanket, AND a book, in my box.

Well, this just isn't working...

...perhaps if I had another, BIGGER blanket! Bigger is always better, right?

Alright, I give up. You can have your box back, Mommy.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Wickland said...

These pictures are too cute, Rachel! I love it when LO does stuff like this. It's such a fun age!