Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Leaving for Mexico!

Well, we leave for Mexico in just 8 hours! I should probably be in bed, seeing as how I have to get up at 4 AM, but I'm not used to going to sleep this early so I'm sure I'd lay awake until midnight anyway. :)

For this trip, I rented my first lens! Not something I thought I would ever do, but my two current lenses just won't cut it for vacation pics--one is a portrait lens with only one focal length (can't zoom out or in), and the other is an inexpensive kit lens which also does not give you much distance. So, I rented an 18-200mm walk-around lens to ensure that I would have just about everything covered.

When I return I'll be sure to post some of the hundreds of pictures I plan to take, but in the meantime I gave the lens a quick try. So fun!

This is my backyard with the wide cool is it to get an entire backyard into the frame? (speaking of backyards, do you like our new fence?)

...and this one I got up close and personal with a flower--or weed, not sure which!

This is a very boring photo, except that it was taken from INSIDE my house, in my dining room, and I was able to focus on the pot in front of the house ACROSS THE STREET! It's like a whole new world for me--something I would never be able to do with my current set-up--so I can't wait to play with this lens some more!

Well, I'm off; will be back soon!

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