Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fun Couple Session

The week before we left for Mexico, I was able to do a session for my very own brother and sister-in-law. :) I had a great time with them, and my brother was a good sport, in spite of not being a real fan of photoshoots. They let me boss them around all afternoon, and we took several breaks to watch the ducks, feed the ducks, CHASE the ducks...

okay, and geese...ducks AND geese.

They wanted some shots in their hammock in the backyard, but wouldn't you know it the *only* time the sun peeked out from behind the clouds on this overcast day was while we were trying to get these shots! As a result we couldn't get much in the harsh overhead sun.

I just felt like this one needed a vintage treatment!

After fighting with the sun in their eyes for awhile, we decided to try the hammock another way! Here's an outtake of them trying (and failing a few times) to lay across the hammock that kept wanting to dump them back out. Woah! (I of course got to watch and laugh...and take pictures. It was very entertaining.)

*whew* success... (hang on tight guys!)

We spent a good deal of time at the lake before heading back to the house to get a few shots of them with their cats

...and some in front of their nifty blue door that I was just drawn to!

Ah yes, here are the lake favorites!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh, the lake shots are my fav too Rachel. Great job! Now, back to reading.

~ Becca (RAGARZA)